Pine Lake Academy (PLA) is a Preschool through 8th grade school located in the town of Kodera, Kenya. Funding for PLA is provided by a partnership between parents in Kodera via tuition and donors in America via sponsorship, coordinated by Pine Lake Covenant Church in Sammamish, Washington, USA.
Here are just some of the sponsorship opportunities at Pine Lake Covenant Church
Supporting Pine Lake Academy helps break the cycle of poverty and prepare Africa's next generation of leaders. Your monthly contribution provides the following life-changing benefits:
Your donation makes a great primary school education possible.
Your donation helps cover school uniforms, computers, and supplies like chalk and books
Your donation helps cover education on topics such as respecting others, integrity, and God's love.
Your donation helps cover two daily meals for kids at PLA.
Your donation pays the salaries of teachers, cooks, and other school staff.
Your donation helps cover sports, scouts, and the 8th grade field trip to Nairobi.
If you have some questions, please contact us!
1715 228th Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075